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Glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase/GSNO reductase from拟南芥.Expression pattern and functional implications in phytoremediation and pathogenesis

The glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH) is the main enzyme of the formaldehyde detoxification system in eukaryotes. In拟南芥FALDH is coded by a single gene, which is constitutively expressed [1]。By immunolocalization experiments on拟南芥root and leaf sections, we demonstrate that the pattern of expression of the enzyme is cell specific. By using tobacco BY-2 cell cultures we show that FALDH co-localizes with tubulin on the cortical microtubules and the microtubules figures (preprophase band, mitotic spindle and phragmoplast), which suggests a role for FALDH in some plant-specific function during cell division. Overexpression of FALDH in拟南芥植物导致消除外源甲醛的效率提高了25%,而FALDH水平降低的植物,携带反义构建体,表现出降低的能力和甲醛消除速度较慢的速率[2]。这些结果证实了FALDH在植物中甲醛代谢的中心作用,对环境甲醛的植物修复具有重要意义。

The importance of FALDH has been greatly increased by the discovery of its potent activity toward S-nitrosoglutathione, the condensation product of glutathione and nitric oxide (NO) [35]。NO and NO-related metabolites, such as S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) play a central role in signal transduction and host defense [6]。我们研究了对信号转导途径中涉及的机械伤害和植物激素的基因反应,表明该基因通过在JA依赖性途径中伤害而下调,并通过水杨酸转录活化[7]。This is the first time that regulation of FALDH in response to signals associated with plant defense has been demonstrated.


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Martínez, M.C., Díaz, M., Achkor, al.Glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase/GSNO reductase from拟南芥.Expression pattern and functional implications in phytoremediation and pathogenesis.BMC Plant Biol5,S22(2005).

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  • Nitric Oxide
  • Salicylic Acid
  • 皮质微管
  • 叶子部分
  • Antisense Construct